Monday, March 9, 2009

In Old San Antone

Well, we made it! At least as far as San Antonio. We've settled into the Thousand Trails RV "preserve" on Medina Lake outside of San Antonio. Our oak-studded campsite is smack dab in the middle of herds of deer that the RV'er's and, most especially the kids, feed. Needless to say, the deer love a free meal and a safe "preserve", so they are here by the hundreds and they have Daisy wound up like a tight spring and yesterday she snapped !! broke all the camp rules, slipped her leash, and all hell broke lose. Daisy took off after the deer, running thru the campground like a race car on a high-bank turn, crap is flying everywhere, people are yellin', "Daisy the Deerslayer" is in her element -- Paul is running after her, camp security is running after Paul, and his here-to-fore fairly relaxed back ain't relaxed no more. Fully expected to get the bum's rush from the park -- but, it all worked out. Daisy is back on her leash. Peace and quiet has returned to Thousand Trails and today we're off to visit the Alamo. We'll try to post a pic of Daisy in a coonskin cap in her new role as Daisy Crockett. "It's all about the friggen' DOG !!!"

1 comment:

  1. Very funny visual. Paul had a glass of wine in his hand during this chase I hope. Well that is how I am seeing it. Makes it even funnier.


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