HAVE FUN. LIFE IS SHORT! DON'T BE OLD BEFORE YOUR TIME. GET OUT OF THE DAMN HOUSE! Don't become agoraphobic. (From the Greek for "fear of the agora", the public marketplace.)
The photos of Daisy were snapped along a scenic byway from Yellowstone to Cody, Wyoming on the Shoshone River.
And if there's water, there's Daisy. This dog has taken to water like she's a damn duck ever since we adopted her at ten weeks of age.
We don't know if she's a Jack Mackerel or a Jack Russell.
So if she's in the water all the time, why is she always dirty? Well, because when she gets out, she rolls. In the first dirty spot she can find.
Does look like road kill, doesn't she?
Dried her off, cleaned her up and made it to the town of Cody, Wyoming. This is a chuckwagon outside the town's top attraction, the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
Don't ever hand Paul the camera. He tends to go where most men do.
More with the chuckwagon demonstration.
Does get a bit boring but the guy was cooking free food. The only thing to get Paul's minds off young ladies' behinds is free food. What's up with men, anyway? And have we already asked what's up with Mel Gibson?
Like we didn't get enough of this sort of thing in all of our years of television traveling, we actually visited the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
It's a museum chock full of western art, Ein-jine artifacts and Buffalo Bill Cody memorabilia.
And even has his boyhood home, disassembled in ????, brought here from the midwest to his namesake and reassembled.
An Ein-jine.
And this is that all-new for 2011 Lance travel trailer. The ultra-light pop-up model.
And speaking of jumbled up pictures, here we are on the scenic byway coming out of Yellowstone headed for Cody. Is any of this making sense? All of this makes about as much sense as the Tea Party.
We passed this Ein-jine encampment where the last of the hostiles are being held before they can be de-programmed and relocated to Florida.
We had dinner here at Cody's historic Cassie's Supper Club. Huh? Had a great steak and met an English fellow outside who didn't want to eat there because he thought it was too hot inside and he believes that we Americans are trying to poison him in our restaurants. He was actually quite serious about this and we just slowly backed away from him.
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